Innovation & Discovery Research Grants


Program Purpose
The goal of this program is to fund equine research by established investigators. The Foundation for the Horse seeks discovery through innovative projects in areas of equine medicine that will advance the science needed to improve the health and welfare of the horse.

Research Projects
The Foundation is seeking proposals to complete research on areas important to horse health. Research applications on any topic will be considered for funding, and all investigators are encouraged to apply. Areas of particular interest include musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, respiratory, and endocrine disease. Lameness, laminitis, colic, and development of diagnostic technology are areas considered to be important and in need of investigation.

Eligibility: Individuals with a background in equine research and a previous record of research publication are encouraged to submit a proposal.

Amount/Budget: The project budget should be for a maximum of $50,000 annually. The budget may include graduate student support, care of horses, consumable supplies, research service contracts and publication costs. Funding for equipment and faculty salary will not be allowed. NOTE: The Foundation will provide overhead of 10% of the grant to be included in the final $50,000 or less budget.

Apply Now:  The Foundation for the Horse uses Cadmium to collect and review online grant applications. Please note that the following application components are included in the online application.

  • Title Page – completed online; includes basic contact information
  • Research Plan – please follow the Instructions for Research Grants
  • Budget Form – please complete and upload
  • Contributors – Completed online
  • Animal Care & Use – Upload your institution’s

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2024

How to Apply