Scott Bennett, DVM

He began practice in Kentucky in late 70’s as resident veterinarian of a large breeding and training operation.
In 1982 Dr. Bennett started Equine Services, PSC. His goal was to offer a multi-faceted surgical medical hospital with state-of-the-art techniques and diagnostic. His Equine Services clinic has continued true to its initial goals of providing treatments and answers to our patients’ needs being 1st in many procedures including:
• 1st to develop a viable surgical tubal (oviduct) patency and treatment in the equine species.
• 1st embryo transfer in the American Saddlehorse beginning in 1980.
• Pioneered endoscopic hysteroscopy starting in 1978 and later laser hysteroscopic treatment of the uterus.
• 1st interspecies embryo transfer between the zebra and domestic horse.
• Pioneer site for use of IRAP (interleukin Receptor Antagonist Protein) in the United States.
• Beta Site for Stem cell processing
• Developed 3-D Blood-flow MRI imaging in the equine limb and Laminatic horse.
He has also served on the USEF Drugs and Medications Committee and USEF Veterinary
Committee ensuring that the rules are fair, clear, and most importantly, protect the horses.
Along with his wife Linda, they also own and operate Alliance Stud. Alliance Stud is a multi-faceted training, breeding and broodmare facility for American Saddlebreds located in Simpsonville, KY. Alliance Stud currently stands numerous Saddlebred stallions, providing stallion management and conditioning, including training, collecting, and shipping cooled and frozen semen.
Mentee Comments
Mentors – are motivators, educators, initiators of “a different approach” and supporters of those influenced. Dr. Bennett has been all of the above to me and many others. Insatiable appetite for pushing boundaries, not biased by history and a formidable business competitor are also appropriate labels.
This nomination is a very small way to acknowledge the influence Dr. Bennett has had on my professional and personal life.
– Hugh B. Behling, DVM, Cross Creek Equine Practice LLC, Simpsonville, KY