Research Awards

Paving the road
to discovery

Clearing the Path to Discovery

Program Purpose

The AAEP Past Presidents and the Foundation for the Horse recognize the need to support research training of equine veterinary researchers. Supplementing support for individuals in postgraduate and residency research training programs benefits this goal. This award is intended to encourage AAEP members in training programs to continue in equine research during their careers.

It is the goal of The Foundation and the AAEP Past Presidents to award this research award annually, given funds and qualified candidates are available through the Past President Endowment.

Ideal candidates are graduates of a school/college of veterinary medicine who have experience conducting equine research and are nearing completion of a residency or doctorate degree. Candidates may also have recently completed a residency or doctoral program.

Eligibility (All below are required)

  • A DVM (or equivalent) and a trainee in a graduate program (masters or doctoral), residency training program, or a research fellowship program or in a DVM/ PhD training program
  • Current AAEP member with membership paid through June 30 of the application year (6.30.2025)
  • Mentored by a veterinary researcher on the faculty at a university or in private practice. The training program must have a substantial equine research component

* Note: Preference may be given to those applying from AVMA-accredited veterinary colleges. Tenure-track or career-track faculty support are not eligible this award

Applicants who are seeking funding for their research project or have secured funding from other organizations are eligible to apply, as this award focuses on supporting the researcher, not the project.

Selection Criteria:

  • Potential for the applicant’s research to contribute to equine veterinary medicine
  • Sincere intent for long-term career in equine veterinary research
  • Experience within horse industry
  • Experience and activity in equine veterinary medicine
  • Experience with equine research
  • Academic performance
  • Professional accomplishments before and after graduation


  • Provide information to The Foundation for publications (such as biographical sketch, benefits of award, impact of research results, photos, etc.)
  • Attend the AAEP Annual Convention, if available, to accept the award.
  • Invited to briefly present an overview of your research at the AAEP Convention.


  • $5,000
  • Complimentary AAEP Convention registration
  • $1,500 travel stipend to assist with attending the AAEP Annual Convention

This award may be used in collaboration with other funding.

Apply Now:  The Foundation for the Horse uses Cadmium to collect and review online grant applications. Please note that the following application components are included in the online application.

  • Letter of Intent – Upload a one-page cover letter outlining your long-term equine research intent.
  • Scientific Abstract – Upload a pdf, please follow the Instructions for RA Scientific Abstracts
  • Curriculum Vitae – Upload a pdf, not to exceed two pages.
  • Mentor Academic Evaluation & Recommendation – completed online by research mentor or advisor. Please share the Instructions for Research Mentors.

Failure to comply with all requirements may result in a negative impact on candidacy.

How to Apply

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2024

Program Purpose

The AAEP Past Presidents and the Foundation for the Horse recognize the need to support research training of equine veterinary researchers. Supplementing support for individuals in postgraduate and residency research training programs benefits this goal. This award is intended to encourage AAEP members in training programs to continue in equine research during their careers.

It is the goal of The Foundation and the AAEP Past Presidents to award this research award annually, given funds and qualified candidates are available through the Past President Endowment.

Ideal candidates are graduates of a school/college of veterinary medicine who have experience conducting equine research and are nearing completion of a residency or doctorate degree. Candidates may also have recently completed a residency or doctoral program.

Eligibility (All below are required)

  • A DVM (or equivalent) and a trainee in a graduate program (masters or doctoral), residency training program, or a research fellowship program or in a DVM/ PhD training program
  • Current AAEP member with membership paid through June 30 of the application year (6.30.2025)
  • Mentored by a veterinary researcher on the faculty at a university or in private practice. The training program must have a substantial equine research component

* Note: Preference may be given to those applying from AVMA-accredited veterinary colleges. Tenure-track or career-track faculty support are not eligible this award

Applicants who are seeking funding for their research project or have secured funding from other organizations are eligible to apply, as this award focuses on supporting the researcher, not the project.

Selection Criteria:

  • Potential for the applicant’s research to contribute to equine veterinary medicine
  • Sincere intent for long-term career in equine veterinary research
  • Experience within horse industry
  • Experience and activity in equine veterinary medicine
  • Experience with equine research
  • Academic performance
  • Professional accomplishments before and after graduation


  • Provide information to The Foundation for publications (such as biographical sketch, benefits of award, impact of research results, photos, etc.)
  • Attend the AAEP Annual Convention, if available, to accept the award.
  • Invited to briefly present an overview of your research at the AAEP Convention.


  • $5,000
  • Complimentary AAEP Convention registration
  • $1,500 travel stipend to assist with attending the AAEP Annual Convention

This award may be used in collaboration with other funding.

Apply Now:  The Foundation for the Horse uses Cadmium to collect and review online grant applications. Please note that the following application components are included in the online application.

  • Letter of Intent – Upload a one-page cover letter outlining your long-term equine research intent.
  • Scientific Abstract – Upload a pdf, please follow the Instructions for RA Scientific Abstracts
  • Curriculum Vitae – Upload a pdf, not to exceed two pages.
  • Mentor Academic Evaluation & Recommendation – completed online by research mentor or advisor. Please share the Instructions for Research Mentors.

Failure to comply with all requirements may result in a negative impact on candidacy.

How to Apply

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2024